Web Hosting

One of the first and foremost things to do when you start a website is choosing a reliable hosting provider.

Why Professional Web Hosting

  •  Improved Site Performance

  •  Domain-Associated Email Address

  •  Improved Website Security

  •  High Reliability and Uptime

  •  Data Management

  •  Data Recovery

Web Hosting Providers

For small business
Basic Plan
$9.99  $2.95/mo
  • 10 GB SSD Storage
  • SSL Included (HTTPS)
  • 24/7 Support

Best value for money
Startup Plan
$10.99  $2.99/mo
  • 100 GB SSD Storage
  • SSL Included (HTTPS)
  • 24/7 Support

Ideal for E-commerce
Startup Plan
$24.99  $4.99/mo
  • 10 GB Storage
  • SSL Included (HTTPS)
  • 24/7 Support

Top performance
Mini Plan
$6.95  $3.95/mo
  • 20 GB SSD Storage
  • SSL Included (HTTPS)
  • 24/7 Support


What is a web hosting service?

In order to operate a web site you absolutely need a web hosting account, as no site can just live on the Internet without a web server. Since web server usually costs thousands of dollars it is much more affordable to simply lease one from a web hosting provider. Web hosting services give you the opportunity to reach the world wide web without making a significant investment.

How do I find the most suitable web hosting provider?

There are four basic web hosting types: shared, reseller, virtual private server (VPS), and dedicated hosting. If you are just starting out, the easiest is to begin with a shared hosting plan.

Are there any hidden fees?

The first fee to look for is the setup fee. Many hosting plans charge around $50 for a setup fee when you first purchase the plan.

Another fee to look for is excessive usage fees. This is especially important when shopping for plans that claim to offer unlimited features. In reality, every web hosting plan has its limitations, so it is important to note what the monetary repercussions are for exceeding those limits. In some cases, you may be able to find a hosting plan that will only charge you for the amount of server resources you used over the limit, instead of charging you a set fee. In other cases, you may be required to upgrade or pay a fee for exceeding your limitations.

What does the term "server uptime" mean?

Server uptime is a term used to describe the amount of time that a web server is fully functional and online. When a server crashes or goes offline, all of the web sites hosted on it are also rendered useless until it the problem is repaired. Thus, server uptime is direct indicator of the reliability and consistency of a web hosting provider.

Most web hosting providers have a seal posted on their web site that guarantees more than 99 percent uptime. While this may seem appealing, the truth is, most companies do not live up to this promise. If you have been experiencing frequent downtime then you may want to switch web hosting providers.

What are web hosting datacenters?

Most major web hosting providers have their own private datacenters, in which all of their web servers are stored. Datacenters are specially designed to accommodate the environmental needs of a web server. The temperature, humidity, dust content, lighting, cleanliness and security of the datacenter is meticulously upheld by on site staff that is responsible for keeping all of the web servers in perfect condition. The floors are air-cooled, all rooms are equipped with state-of-the-art fire extinguishing systems, and there is a 24 hour maintenance staff on duty 7 days out of every week.

What is a shared hosting?

Shared web hosting services are amongst the most popular types of web hosting, primarily because they are extremely affordable. Shared web hosting provides the plan holder with access to a small part of a web server that is used by hundreds of other web sites. These powerful web servers are split into partitions that are allocated to the web hosting customers. As a shared web hosting plan holder you have access to a set amount of server resources. However, if you need to exceed these limitations then resources are pulled from other partitions on the network to accommodate your needs. Although this process may sacrifices performance and page loading times, it gives you the ability to have unlimited plan features such as bandwidth and disk space.

Shared hosting is a very unique web hosting type that usually costs less than any other kind of web hosting plan. Many webmasters get their first bit of web hosting experience by purchasing and using a shared web shoring plan. Shared hosting is essentially a type of hosting configuration in which a single web server is used to power hundreds of web sites that are owned by different webmasters, hence the term “shared” hosting.

Web server configurations can have a great impact on the way web sites perform, especially when the site beings to grow and experience high levels of traffic. Even though shared web hosting is a less comprehensive service, it is enough to run a basic web site and receive internet training with. In fact, most experts recommend starting out with shared web hosting in order to learn in a comfortable and affordable hosting environment, before moving on to more advanced solutions. If you are planning on getting started as a webmaster then you may want to consider shared web hosting as your first web hosting plan.

What are the benefits of shared hosting?

The most apparent benefit of shared hosting is the strikingly low cost associated with most shared hosting accounts. In fact, some shared hosting plans cost as little as $3 per month, which is incredibly affordable, especially considering the amount of server resources that are allocated to each hosting account.

As hundreds of sites can be hosted on a shared web server simultaneously, it becomes an incredibly profitable situation for the hosting company and the hosting account holder. If you are trying to maintain a strict monthly budget then you may want to consider shared web hosting for your next internet endeavor.

Aside from the lower cost shared hosting plans often come with unlimited features such as unlimited bandwidth and unlimited disk space. These “unlimited” features are made possible because the size of the server partition can quickly be increased or amended to suit the needs of the website. Shared web servers distribute the server load evenly to keep sites performing optimally. If you do exceed your plan usage with shared hosting, you'll usually receive a warning rather than a bill, and in most cases, the company will help you upgrade to a new plan.

What is disk space?

Disk space is the amount of storage space allocated to your website, server or server partition, which can be used by your website. Having adequate disk space is very important because it directly affects the total size limits of your site or network of sites. If you want to continuously update your web sites with new content and steadily build your online empire, then you will definitely need a plethora of bandwidth.

For example, if you have 20 GB of disk space allocated to your web hosting plan, then the amount of files on your web site cannot exceed this amount of data. When you run out of disk space you will be unable to update your site with new content, which means the progression of your online endeavors will come to a complete halt. Since updating your site is a very important part of building traffic levels and keeping your visitors returning you will need to make sure you have an adequate amount of bandwidth available at all times.

Disk space is often displayed on all hosting plan sales pages. Disk space is extremely important because it directly affects how much data can be stored on your web server at any point in time.

How much disk space do you need?

Web hosting companies normally provide for 10 GB of disk space for its basic plan and this is more than enough for a start.

What is bandwidth?

Web hosting bandwidth is the measurement of data being transmitted through your web server at a given period of time. Bandwidth is perhaps the most important because it dictates how many visitors your website can handle during a single time period.

Having adequate bandwidth is very crucial to the success of your site because it will affect your site visitor's experience, especially when there are high traffic levels. Every visitor that views a page on your site is consuming bandwidth because they are downloading and uploading information to the web server. Thus, in order to accommodate high daily traffic levels you will need ample bandwidth. This is the primary reason why bandwidth is one of the two most important web hosting features to consider when shopping for a new plan.

How much bandwidth do I need?

The answer to this question depends entirely upon what kind of site you have and how much daily traffic you anticipate. It is important to note that sites with an abundance of multimedia content will often consume more bandwidth. This is because more data must be transferred instantaneously to stream videos or music to the visitor's computer.

If you have a site with plenty of streaming content, and you foresee a high amount of daily visitors, then you will want a plan with excessive bandwidth. Hosting plans like VPS, dedicated and even reseller hosting plans are perfect for such sites.

You may also need a lot of bandwidth if you have thousands of daily visitors, and/or plenty of page hits from each visitor. Every page that loads will consume bandwidth because it has to transfer data from the web server to the visitor's computer.

What is SSL?

SSL, or Secure Socket Layer, is a security protocol used to protect data as it is transmitted between devices on the Internet. SSL certificates indicate the presence of this technology being used by a website.

Most online shoppers will not shop at your site unless you have an SSL certificate because sensitive information such as personal data and credit card details are transmitted on the internet to the website.

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